The information in this write up is based in a Santa Cruz City Council Agenda Report set forth on April 25th, 2017. For details and more information please see the following City Council Agenda Report.
- On April 25th, 2017, the Santa Cruz City Council addressed UC Santa Cruz’s Long Range Development Plan and adopted a recommendation to direct the Mayor to forward the Council’s recommendations to Chancellor Blumenthal.
- The existing UC Santa Cruz Long Range Development Plan (LRDP), which sets forth the standards of growth that the UC campus must adhere to by 2020, is of great importance to the Santa Cruz community, as the expansion of the university must be limited and within reason, due to the university’s direct impact upon key areas of transportation, housing and water usage.
- While the university is beneficial to the Santa Cruz community in many ways, promoting economic growth and a vibrant learning environment, the increasing university student body, and it’s role in driving up housing costs and traffic congestion, makes the communities considerations and involvement in the next LRDP to be of utmost importance.
- In regards to the next LRDP, which would enter into place after 2020, the City Council requests that the previous LRDP student population limit of 19,500 remain as the maximum population, and that no more student body growth be allowed, due to the strain that this already high population places on community resources.
- The City Council also requests that a Community Impact Committee be created in order to advise and educate the next LRDP about the Santa Cruz community’s needs and concerns in regards to the university's growth.
- Lastly the City Council recommends that the Mayor write a letter directly to UC Santa Cruz Chancellor Blumenthal, regarding the integration of the above concerns into the LRDP.
The information in this write up is based in a Santa Cruz City Council Agenda Report set forth on April 25th, 2017. For details and more information please see the following City Council Agenda Report.