County Demographics
As of 2015, Santa Cruz County has a population of 274,146 with the following spread:
Ethnically, Santa Cruz is predominately White and Hispanic with the following break down as of 2015:
Santa Cruz has a higher population of white citizens than the CA average with 58.7% compared to the state average of 39.2%. The percent of Hispanics in Santa Cruz is lower than the state, however, with Santa Cruz having 32.7% Hispanic residents, and the state having 38.2%. This statistic is current as of 2014.
Demographics are reflected in the language spoken statistics where 68.4% of households speak only English, while 31.6% speak a language other than English at home. This statistic is current as of 2014.
Gender-wise, Santa Cruz County has slightly more females than males, with 50.4% females (138,170) and 49.6% males (135,976).
Santa Cruz has a total of 45,424 children between the ages of 0–14 with the 5–14 age group containing 30,193 of those children. The median age is 36.9
The complete Age group breakdown is as follows:
Enrollment in schools and universities in Santa Cruz county are as follows:
There are 94,219 households in Santa Cruz county. 47.1% of those households are married couples and 62.7% of all households are family households. The average family size in Santa Cruz is 2.72 people.
Households in Santa Cruz are broken down as follows:
There are 12,487 civilian veterans living in Santa Cruz.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Santa Cruz County Quick Facts
As of 2015, Santa Cruz County has a population of 274,146 with the following spread:
- Santa Cruz: 64,220
- Watsonville: 53,628
- Scotts Valley: 11,945
- Capitola: 10,189
Ethnically, Santa Cruz is predominately White and Hispanic with the following break down as of 2015:
- White: 58.4%
- Hispanic: 33.4%
- Black or African American: 1.4%
- Native American or Alaska Native: 1.8%
- Asian: 4.8%
- Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: (0.2%)
Santa Cruz has a higher population of white citizens than the CA average with 58.7% compared to the state average of 39.2%. The percent of Hispanics in Santa Cruz is lower than the state, however, with Santa Cruz having 32.7% Hispanic residents, and the state having 38.2%. This statistic is current as of 2014.
Demographics are reflected in the language spoken statistics where 68.4% of households speak only English, while 31.6% speak a language other than English at home. This statistic is current as of 2014.
Gender-wise, Santa Cruz County has slightly more females than males, with 50.4% females (138,170) and 49.6% males (135,976).
Santa Cruz has a total of 45,424 children between the ages of 0–14 with the 5–14 age group containing 30,193 of those children. The median age is 36.9
The complete Age group breakdown is as follows:
- 15-24: 49,523
- 25-44: 65,419
- 45-64: 74,245
- 65+: 32,612
Enrollment in schools and universities in Santa Cruz county are as follows:
- K–12: 39,449
- Cabrillo College: 15,387
- UC Santa Cruz: 17,868
There are 94,219 households in Santa Cruz county. 47.1% of those households are married couples and 62.7% of all households are family households. The average family size in Santa Cruz is 2.72 people.
Households in Santa Cruz are broken down as follows:
- 59,075 are Family Households
- 27,533 have children under 18
- 44,377 are married couples with 18,626 of those having children under 18 years of age
- 10,175 householders are single women and 5,670 have children under 18
- 36,585 households are non-family households
- 24,968 have one person living alone
- 8,623 are households with both individuals who are 65 or older
There are 12,487 civilian veterans living in Santa Cruz.
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Santa Cruz County Quick Facts