On this page you will find several resources that will aid you as you begin your building process. We have provided links to sites containing permit applications, earthquake protection, and attorneys to help protect you and your property.
The Santa Cruz County Planning website provides all the resources you will need to help you start building your property in Santa Cruz county. They have all of the permit application forms, zoning laws, and allow you to schedule inspections to ensure that your project is up to code. The site also provides information regarding environmental issues in the area along with tree removal and protection services. We have also included the individual links to the planning sites of each of the four cities that form Santa Cruz County: Capitola, Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, and Watsonville.
The PG&E safety page is a great resource to help you determine what pipes or utility lines may be in the ground before you start digging.
The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) protects California consumers by licensing and regulating the state's construction industry.
The California Department of Public Health website provides information regarding lead paint and how areas containing lead paint should be handled when renovating your property. There is also information to help you determine whether or not your property has lead paint.
The Earthquake Safety site provides information that will assist you in making certain that your building follows earthquake safety regulations.
The Santa Cruz Area Chamber of Commerce has several law firms who are members of the chamber and are able to help you resolve any disputes over the work done to your property during the building process.
The Santa Cruz County Planning website provides all the resources you will need to help you start building your property in Santa Cruz county. They have all of the permit application forms, zoning laws, and allow you to schedule inspections to ensure that your project is up to code. The site also provides information regarding environmental issues in the area along with tree removal and protection services. We have also included the individual links to the planning sites of each of the four cities that form Santa Cruz County: Capitola, Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, and Watsonville.
The PG&E safety page is a great resource to help you determine what pipes or utility lines may be in the ground before you start digging.
The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) protects California consumers by licensing and regulating the state's construction industry.
The California Department of Public Health website provides information regarding lead paint and how areas containing lead paint should be handled when renovating your property. There is also information to help you determine whether or not your property has lead paint.
The Earthquake Safety site provides information that will assist you in making certain that your building follows earthquake safety regulations.
The Santa Cruz Area Chamber of Commerce has several law firms who are members of the chamber and are able to help you resolve any disputes over the work done to your property during the building process.